
Description: Hu, J. Y.; Te Lintel Hekkert, P.; Slijkhuis, F.; Baas, F.; Sahai, R.; Wood, P. R.
A systematic study of IRAS selected proto-planetary nebula candidates. II. OH and CO observations
A&AS 103, 301 (1994)
Link: ADS services
Coordinates: IRAS
N=62 sources1612 MHz1665 MHz1667 MHz
not detected:465857
Input Tables: Table 1 and 2
Modifications: Spectral type was set to:
"S", where only one peak was found.
"D", where two peaks were found.

IRAS 17580-3111: Additional lines listed in Table 2 belong to IRAS 17579-3121 (blend).
Comments: Velocity resolution: 0.6 and 0.9 km/s
Upper limit for non-detections: <0.5 Jy (3σ)
If appropriate, upper limits for all transitions were calculated from the OH 1612 rms noise given in Table 1.
The observation with the strongest flux was taken, if several were listed
Left circular polarized peak flux was taken, if both polarizations were listed