Description: Te Lintel Hekkert et al.
1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources. I.
A&AS 90, 327 (1991)
Link: ADS services
Coordinates: IRAS
N=2692 sources1612 MHz1665 MHz1667 MHz
not detected:1880--
Input Tables: J/A+AS/90/327/catalog.dat.gz
Modifications: Spectral type was set to:
"S", where only one peak was found.
"D", where two peaks were found.

IRAS 15502-5424 (second object) renamed as
IRAS 15502-5424A
IRAS 17251-2821 (second object) renamed as
IRAS 17251-2821A
IRAS 17404-2713 (second object) renamed as
IRAS 17404-2713A
IRAS 18061-3140 (second object) renamed as
IRAS 18061-3140A
IRAS 15099-5509 renamed as
IRAS 15099-5509A
IRAS 17340-3344 renamed as
IRAS 17340-3344A
IRAS 17593-2854 renamed as
IRAS 17593-2854A
IRAS 19010+0526 renamed as
IRAS 19010+0526A
IRAS 19199+2100 attributed to
IRAS 19201+2101
IRAS 08425-5116: Velocities, fluxes modified according Table 7
IRAS 11333-5752: Velocities, fluxes modified according Table 7
IRAS 17062-2758: Velocities, fluxes modified according Table 7
IRAS 17382-2531: Velocities, fluxes modified according Table 7
IRAS 15559-5546: Source was removed, and the detected maser associated with IRAS 15557-5546
IRAS 17326-3324: Source was removed. Blend of IRAS 17317-3331 and 17327-3319. V=-25.0 km/s feature was assigned to IRAS 17327-3319

The OH masers associated with IRAS 05027-2158, 10495-5815, 13203-5536, and 16077-5830 are probably contamination (Deguchi et al. 2001)
Comments: Velocity resolution: 1 km/s
Upper limit for non-detections: mostly 0.5 Jy (3σ)

Te Lintel Hekkert considers only 738 of the 812 detections listed here as genuine OH/IR stars