Description: Walsh, A. J.; Beuther, H.; Bihr, S.; et al.
A survey for hydroxyl in the THOR pilot region around W43
MNRAS 455, 3494 (2016)
Link: ADS services

N=47 sources1612 MHz1665 MHz1667 MHz
not detected:04139

Input Tables: Table 1.
Modifications: Only objects classified as evolved stars (ES) were taken.
Spectral type was set to:
"S", where only one peak was found, "D", where two peaks were found, and "I", where more than two peaks were found.
Comments: Table 1 lists maser sites. Several maser sites can belong to a single star (maser source). Maser source based database entries were created from the maser sites on a best effort base. Upper limits set to 0.06 Jy (3σ).
Velocity resolution: 0.73 km/s.