
Aim: Compilation of galactic stellar sources observed for OH maser emission in the transition at 1612, 1665, and 1667 MHz. Extension to H2O and SiO maser emission is in progress.
Status: The database contains 13170 OH maser observations at frequencies 1612, 1665, and 1667 MHz selected from the literature . These observations belong to 6315 different objects. 2319 objects were detected, with N=1979 showing the classical double-peak profile. Further details on the contents of the database are found under Statistics.
Four each source selected, links to interferometric follow-up observations or monitoring programs are provided. Currently 153 interferometric observations from 17 papers, and 50 monitoring observations from 6 papers are included.
Completeness: 1612 MHz OH masers: Search of the literature started with the contents of the last catalogue published in 1989 by Te Lintel Hekkert et al. The additional literature search covers the years 1984 – 2011. The database is considered to be (almost) complete for detected stars. The database contains no non-detections published prior to 1984.
1665 and 1667 MHz OH Masers: The literature search covers the years 1984 – 2011. The database contains no measurements published prior to 1984. The last catalogue including these transitions is by Engels (1979).
Information delivered: 1612 MHz OH masers: Given are the peak fluxes and velocities of the blue- and the red-shifted peak. Stellar radial velocities v(rad) and expansion velocities v(exp) of the circumstellar shell were calculated from v(rad) = 0.5 * {v(red) + v(blue)} and v(exp) = 0.5 * {v(red) - v(blue)}, if not listed in the original paper.
1665 and 1667 MHz OH masers: In case of profiles with multiple peaks, v(rad) and v(exp) were calculated from the outermost peaks listed. v(blue), f(blue) and v(red), f(red) were filled with the two strongest peaks listed.
Collaborators: Felix Bunzel, Dieter Engels, Berit Heidmann
Citation: Engels, D., Bunzel, F., Heidmann, B., 2012, Database of Circumstellar Masers v2.1
Disclaimer: Care has been taken to transfer the information contained in the literature as correctly as possible. Tables available only on paper were scanned and digitized. This process most probably was not error free. Deliberate modifications of the input data are described on the individual pages describing the literature sources (see References ). The use of this database is on your own risk. If in doubt, go back to the original literature.
Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grant En 176/33-1