Description: Richards, A. M. S.; Etoka, S.; Gray, M. D.; Lekht, E. E.; Mendoza-Torres, J. E.; Murakawa, K.; Rudnitskij, G.; Yates, J. A.
Evolved star water maser cloud size determined by star size
A&A 546, A16 (2012)
Link: ADS services
Input Tables: Table 1 and 2.
Modifications: The sensitivity for the maps of VX Sgr was set to 17 mJy in accordance with MUR03. The sensitivities in Table 2 for S Per are 3sigma values (A. Richards, priv. communication).
Comments: For the spatial resolution and the sensitivity the largest values reported were taken. The 1994 and 1999 observations of VX Sgr are also contained in MUR03. The 1994 observation of S Per is also contained in RIC99.