Description: Deacon R.M., Chapman J.M., Green A.J.
OH maser observations of likely planetary nebulae precursors
ApJS 155, 595 (2004)
Link: ADS services
N=89 sources1612 MHz1665 MHz1667 MHz
not detected:25640
Input Tables: J/ApJS/155/595/table3.dat
Modifications: Spectral type was set to:
"S", where only one peak was found (S-type in Tab.3).
"D", where two peaks were found (all D-types in Tab.3).
"I", for irregular profiles (I-Type in Tab.3).

vexp was calculated from column vrange of Table 3. vrad was calculated using vblue and vred.

IRAS 15452-3459 (second object) renamed as
IRAS 15452-3459A
Comments: Velocity resolution: 0.18 km/s
Upper limit for non-detections: 0.38 Jy (3σ)