Description: Lewis, B. M.; Engels, D.
A search for water and mainline masers in OH/IR star mimics with strong silicate emission features
MNRAS 274, 439 (1995)
Link: ADS services
Coordinates: IRAS
N=24 sources1612 MHz1665 MHz1667 MHz
not detected:-2019
Input Tables: Table 1 and 3
Modifications: Spectral type was set to:
"S", where only one peak was found.
"D", where two peaks were found.
The columns for the blue- and red-shifted velocities were filled with the two highest peaks listed. The leftmost and the rightmost peaks were used to calculate the radial velocity vrad and the expansion velocity vexp of the shell.
Comments: Velocity resolution: 0.44 km/s
Upper limit for non-detections: 0.030 Jy (3σ)