NEXXUS 2 - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     NS 0528-6526   HIP 25647   HD 36705   CD-65 332   AB Dor

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Star Information:

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)μ [ "/yr ]θ [ ° ]Radial VelocitySpectral TypeBVDistance [ pc ]
05 28 44.85 -65 26 55.020.1541228K1IIIp7.736.9314.94

XMM-Newton Slew Survey:

Detection NumberCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1Observation Datelog Lx
XMMSLJ052845.0-65265225.4928 ± 1.7935.968884.503-0.908 ± 0.0732001-09-15T22:0430.33

XMM-Newton Pointed Observations:

Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540123720301 12000-10-27T15:11 to 2000-10-28T06:45999.999929.99Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium5.86053 ± 0.037894316999.99990.0810.438 ± 0.008-0.131 ± 0.007-0.66 ± 0.008-0.842 ± 0.01430
M2Medium5.65272 ± 0.043763120999.99991.0340.439 ± 0.009-0.129 ± 0.009-0.662 ± 0.009-0.818 ± 0.01729.98
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540133120201 12000-12-12T19:41 to 2000-12-12T20:54999.999930.14Postcard Server Observing Log
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
PNThick23.0135 ± 0.080474297999.99992.1990.487 ± 0.004-0.324 ± 0.004-0.688 ± 0.005-0.842 ± 0.00930.11
M1Thick6.97343 ± 0.035396189999.99991.430.528 ± 0.006-0.032 ± 0.006-0.545 ± 0.006-0.758 ± 0.0130.19
M2Thick6.98128 ± 0.035166193999.99992.3270.527 ± 0.006-0.036 ± 0.006-0.558 ± 0.006-0.72 ± 0.01130.2
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134520301 12001-01-20T15:33 to 2001-01-21T05:20999.999930.19Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium8.91645 ± 0.0131748802999.99990.1020.429 ± 0.002-0.081 ± 0.002-0.625 ± 0.002-0.844 ± 0.00330.19
M2Medium8.90133 ± 0.01348714999.99991.1170.422 ± 0.002-0.087 ± 0.002-0.628 ± 0.002-0.835 ± 0.00330.19
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134520701 12001-05-22T16:52 to 2001-05-23T06:28999.999930.06Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium6.51382 ± 0.0115548891999.99990.2970.441 ± 0.002-0.101 ± 0.002-0.616 ± 0.002-0.777 ± 0.00430.07
M2Medium6.44593 ± 0.0115148893999.99991.3350.434 ± 0.002-0.101 ± 0.002-0.614 ± 0.002-0.782 ± 0.00430.06
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134521301 12001-10-13T11:20 to 2001-10-13T22:13999.999930.04Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium6.27924 ± 0.0154528362999.99990.170.44 ± 0.003-0.104 ± 0.003-0.624 ± 0.003-0.784 ± 0.00530.05
M2Medium6.18341 ± 0.0147528940999.99990.9020.436 ± 0.003-0.1 ± 0.003-0.629 ± 0.003-0.787 ± 0.00530.04
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134521401 12001-12-26T04:52 to 2001-12-26T06:00999.999930.08Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium6.78172 ± 0.044893601999.99990.130.431 ± 0.008-0.068 ± 0.008-0.62 ± 0.008-0.778 ± 0.01430.09
M2Medium6.78862 ± 0.045063549999.99990.9650.407 ± 0.008-0.062 ± 0.008-0.618 ± 0.008-0.811 ± 0.01430.08
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134521501 12002-04-12T22:35 to 2002-04-13T03:16999.999929.97Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium5.73376 ± 0.0189416499999.99990.1680.463 ± 0.004-0.145 ± 0.004-0.692 ± 0.004-0.868 ± 0.00729.98
M2Medium5.70555 ± 0.0188516538999.99991.210.46 ± 0.004-0.158 ± 0.004-0.684 ± 0.004-0.87 ± 0.00729.97
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134521601 12002-06-18T16:24 to 2002-06-18T21:16999.999930.11Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium7.29943 ± 0.0262511440999.99990.10.444 ± 0.004-0.07 ± 0.004-0.628 ± 0.004-0.825 ± 0.00730.11
M2Medium7.29364 ± 0.0262611440999.99991.120.443 ± 0.004-0.087 ± 0.004-0.627 ± 0.004-0.816 ± 0.00730.1
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134521701 12002-11-15T05:43 to 2002-11-15T11:09999.999930.25Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
MOS1 data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M2Medium10.2636 ± 0.025217420999.99991.1320.461 ± 0.003-0.119 ± 0.003-0.668 ± 0.003-0.796 ± 0.00630.25
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134522001 12002-12-03T04:58 to 2002-12-03T10:18999.999930.29Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
MOS2 data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium10.9366 ± 0.052064264999.99990.0580.438 ± 0.006-0.068 ± 0.005-0.621 ± 0.006-0.792 ± 0.0130.29
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134522101 12002-12-30T10:46 to 2002-12-31T00:22999.999930.24Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
MOS2 data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium10.3567 ± 0.0135948630999.99990.0990.455 ± 0.002-0.111 ± 0.001-0.679 ± 0.002-0.834 ± 0.00330.24
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540134522301 12003-03-30T20:20 to 2003-03-30T21:28999.999930.13Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium7.56697 ± 0.07311508999.99990.1250.45 ± 0.012-0.073 ± 0.011-0.612 ± 0.012-0.806 ± 0.0230.13
M2Medium7.64488 ± 0.071621612999.99991.1560.442 ± 0.011-0.064 ± 0.011-0.629 ± 0.011-0.754 ± 0.02130.14
Detection NumberSequence IdObservation TimeLikelihoodlog Lx ESAC Links
2XMM J052844.7-6526540160362701 12003-10-24T03:22 to 2003-10-24T08:15999.999930.03Postcard Server Observing Log
PN data not included in the catalogue. See introduction for details.
DetectorFilterCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodOAXHR1HR2HR3HR4log Lx
M1Medium6.23292 ± 0.036165080999.99990.0630.468 ± 0.007-0.115 ± 0.007-0.641 ± 0.007-0.849 ± 0.01230.03
M2Medium6.19737 ± 0.034635546999.99991.0950.47 ± 0.006-0.109 ± 0.006-0.644 ± 0.007-0.828 ± 0.01230.03

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection NumberCount RateBackgroundExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1HR2log Lx
1RXS J052844.7-6527007.223 ± 0.043250.001130199999-0.08 ± 00.07 ± 0.0130.06

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount Rate BackgroundLikeliOAXExposure TimeObservation TimeHR1HR2Imageslog Lx
2RXP J052846.7-652707120003 n00.0025.551 ± 0.07660.00151999909551990-06-17 to 1990-06-280.01 ± 0.01-0.03 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.95
2RXP J052844.9-652658170253 n00.0016.514 ± 0.1630.00167999902501991-10-15 to 1991-10-16-0.11 ± 0.030.06 ± 0.04rgb rgbd30.02
2RXP J052845.1-652655180027 n00.0077.93 ± 0.05610.000939999024821993-09-18 to 1993-09-180.15 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.01rgb rgbd30.1
2RXP J052845.3-652655200136 n00.0028.252 ± 0.0980.00317581808621991-03-06 to 1991-03-060.01 ± 0.010.08 ± 0.02rgb rgbd30.12
2RXP J052844.8-652652200138 n00.0035.935 ± 0.06150.001749999015681991-05-06 to 1991-05-060.04 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.98
2RXP J052844.2-652618200692 n00.0022.764 ± 00.00288999931329881991-10-28 to 1991-11-03-0.08 ± 00.07 ± 0rgb rgbd29.65
2RXP J052844.7-652652200873 n00.0026.115 ± 0.07340.001219999011521992-04-16 to 1992-04-16-0.01 ± 0.010.03 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.99
2RXP J052844.3-652659200874 a00.0037.848 ± 0.07470.00269999013311991-12-30 to 1991-12-300.03 ± 0.010.08 ± 0.01rgb rgbd30.1
2RXP J052845.0-652654200874 a01.0026.807 ± 0.09820.00102999907091992-05-16 to 1992-05-16-0.01 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.02rgb rgbd30.04
2RXP J052844.0-652652200875 a00.0015.805 ± 0.07070.002129999011541992-01-26 to 1992-01-260.06 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.97
2RXP J052849.4-652715200875 m01.0027.563 ± 00.0016399993010641992-06-13 to 1992-06-130 ± 00 ± 0rgb rgbd30.08
2RXP J052844.9-652655200877 n00.0045.821 ± 0.06060.001639999015911992-03-22 to 1992-03-220.09 ± 0.010 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.97
2RXP J052848.2-652628201248 n00.0013.394 ± 00.001098702318991992-07-29 to 1992-07-29-0.04 ± 0.010.08 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.74
2RXP J052847.9-652706201249 n00.0016.003 ± 00.001269999309971992-08-27 to 1992-08-28-0.09 ± 0.010.05 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.98
2RXP J052845.6-652702201250 n00.0014.551 ± 00.001199993024961992-09-27 to 1992-09-28-0.07 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.86
2RXP J052844.5-652646201251 n00.00110.74 ± 00.001189999317471992-10-28 to 1992-10-28-0.08 ± 0.010.13 ± 0.01rgb rgbd30.24
2RXP J052848.9-652711201252 m01.0055.329 ± 00.001169999319511992-11-28 to 1992-11-280 ± 00 ± 0rgb rgbd29.93
2RXP J052844.7-652654201252 n00.0016.497 ± 0.1040.00126999906051992-11-28 to 1992-11-28-0.07 ± 0.020.05 ± 0.02rgb rgbd30.02
2RXP J052849.1-652620201253 n00.0021.841 ± 00.0013753863015741992-12-27 to 1992-12-270 ± 00 ± 0rgb rgbd29.47
2RXP J052847.3-652642201254 n00.0013.676 ± 00.0008699993010711993-01-27 to 1993-01-27-0.09 ± 0.01-0.01 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.77
2RXP J052848.6-652618201255 n00.0013.083 ± 00.001276727317611993-02-25 to 1993-02-25-0.04 ± 0.010 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.69
2RXP J052842.9-652710201256 n00.0037.459 ± 00.001149999309581993-03-28 to 1993-03-28-0.02 ± 0.010.09 ± 0.02rgb rgbd30.08
2RXP J052844.8-652719201257 n00.00111.53 ± 00.00169999309921993-04-27 to 1993-04-27-0.07 ± 0.010.12 ± 0.01rgb rgbd30.27
2RXP J052849.2-652637201258 n00.0013.381 ± 00.0013992013113431993-05-28 to 1993-05-28-0.1 ± 0.01-0.01 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.73
2RXP J052845.4-652654201588 n00.0047.385 ± 0.05910.0019999020191993-06-26 to 1993-06-260.05 ± 0.01-0.02 ± 0.01rgb rgbd30.07
2RXP J052848.4-652635201589 n00.0015.246 ± 00.001119999308691993-07-27 to 1993-07-27-0.07 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.92
2RXP J052844.4-652647201590 n00.0015.964 ± 00.001189999307311993-08-26 to 1993-08-26-0.1 ± 0.010.04 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.98
2RXP J052847.4-652630201591 n00.0013.253 ± 00.0010490733110491993-09-26 to 1993-09-26-0.09 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.02rgb rgbd29.72
2RXP J052849.0-652636201592 n00.0013.42 ± 00.0020799993126441993-10-25 to 1993-10-26-0.08 ± 0.010.05 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.74
2RXP J052845.0-652654201593 n00.0024.152 ± 0.09320.00092999904711993-11-29 to 1993-11-290.1 ± 0.02-0.07 ± 0.03rgb rgbd29.82
2RXP J052851.3-652721500053 n00.0132.662 ± 00.0011666225038371992-04-09 to 1992-04-13-0.13 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.63
2RXP J052842.6-652637500062 n00.0012.47 ± 00.0011499993832941992-04-08 to 1992-04-11-0.13 ± 0.01-0.03 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.6
2RXP J052853.2-652719600578 n00.0014.139 ± 00.0011699994955781993-10-07 to 1993-10-09-0.11 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.01rgb rgbd29.82

ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount RateSNROAXExposure TimeObservation DateImageslog Lx
1RXH J052844.8-652657120004 n00.0011.616 ± 0.0818.752541990-07-02 to 1990-07-03rgb rgbd30.02
1RXH J052844.1-652658170254 n00.0011.446 ± 0.032940213251991-10-26 to 1991-10-27rgb rgbd29.97
1RXH J052844.8-652655180165 n00.0101.583 ± 0.015883.5162981996-11-26 to 1996-11-26rgb rgbd30.01
1RXH J052845.1-652654200575 n00.0071.721 ± 0.015899.8268061992-03-14 to 1992-03-15rgb rgbd30.04
1RXH J052845.1-652654200575 n00.0181.721 ± 0.0158107.5268061992-03-14 to 1992-03-15rgb rgbd30.04
1RXH J052844.7-652656201692 n00.0031.817 ± 0.036342.1113661994-07-10 to 1994-07-10rgb rgbd30.07
1RXH J052844.7-652655201693 n00.0062.009 ± 0.029758.3222461994-08-10 to 1994-08-10rgb rgbd30.11
1RXH J052845.0-652656201694 n00.0021.914 ± 0.028559.5223241994-04-06 to 1994-04-06rgb rgbd30.09
1RXH J052844.8-652653201958 n00.0011.497 ± 0.038634.319931994-10-15 to 1994-10-15rgb rgbd29.98
1RXH J052844.4-652654201961 n00.0091.522 ± 0.018474144291995-01-15 to 1995-01-15rgb rgbd29.99
1RXH J052845.2-652656201963 n00.0071.997 ± 0.025768.5229881995-03-15 to 1995-03-15rgb rgbd30.11
1RXH J052844.9-652654201964 n00.0062.058 ± 0.025569131391995-04-15 to 1995-04-15rgb rgbd30.12
1RXH J052844.8-652656201965 n00.0031.757 ± 0.02659.9125711995-05-16 to 1995-05-16rgb rgbd30.05
1RXH J052845.2-652654201966 n00.0052.007 ± 0.025967.1129441995-06-15 to 1995-06-15rgb rgbd30.11
1RXH J052844.7-652658201967 n00.0011.478 ± 0.045429.317081995-07-15 to 1995-07-15rgb rgbd29.98
1RXH J052844.7-652655201968 n00.0062.232 ± 0.030565.9123721995-08-15 to 1995-08-15rgb rgbd30.16
1RXH J052844.9-652658201969 n00.0021.448 ± 0.034733.7111841995-09-15 to 1995-09-15rgb rgbd29.97
1RXH J052844.3-652655201970 n00.0241.835 ± 0.00784208.71294561994-11-14 to 1994-11-16rgb rgbd30.07
1RXH J052844.7-652654202252 n00.0041.488 ± 0.026350.4121251995-10-09 to 1995-10-10rgb rgbd29.98
1RXH J052844.8-652652202253 n00.0012.19 ± 0.050938.718351995-11-10 to 1995-11-10rgb rgbd30.15
1RXH J052844.5-652657202254 n00.0052.365 ± 0.028775.7128211995-12-09 to 1995-12-10rgb rgbd30.18
1RXH J052845.1-652655202256 n00.0072.045 ± 0.025669.1130841996-02-08 to 1996-02-09rgb rgbd30.12
1RXH J052845.1-652655202257 n00.0021.491 ± 0.023553226821996-03-10 to 1996-03-10rgb rgbd29.98
1RXH J052845.4-652654202258 n00.0022.536 ± 0.043248.8213481996-04-16 to 1996-04-18rgb rgbd30.21
1RXH J052844.7-652657202259 n00.0011.634 ± 0.03334.1114841996-05-16 to 1996-05-17rgb rgbd30.02
1RXH J052845.1-652653202260 n00.0101.531 ± 0.02268.8131261996-06-16 to 1996-06-16rgb rgbd29.99
1RXH J052844.7-652657202261 n00.0051.884 ± 0.02565.8129831996-07-17 to 1996-07-17rgb rgbd30.08
1RXH J052844.8-652656202262 n00.0071.72 ± 0.019776.7143711996-08-16 to 1996-08-16rgb rgbd30.04
1RXH J052844.4-652656202263 n00.0031.272 ± 0.025143.9120001996-09-15 to 1996-09-15rgb rgbd29.91
1RXH J052845.0-652654202482 n00.0051.645 ± 0.021968.2133911996-10-22 to 1996-10-22rgb rgbd30.02
1RXH J052844.2-652652202483 n00.0022.326 ± 0.035257.6118591996-11-22 to 1996-11-22rgb rgbd30.17
1RXH J052844.7-652658202484 n00.0052.462 ± 0.036160.7118691996-12-22 to 1996-12-22rgb rgbd30.2
1RXH J052845.0-652652202485 n00.0041.643 ± 0.026353.2123381997-06-17 to 1997-06-17rgb rgbd30.02
1RXH J052844.7-652656202486 n00.0012.19 ± 0.040448.8113261997-07-18 to 1997-07-18rgb rgbd30.15
1RXH J052844.7-652655202487 n00.0083.783 ± 0.04570.7118461997-08-17 to 1997-08-17rgb rgbd30.38
1RXH J052845.2-652654202488 n00.0071.614 ± 0.023461.9129251997-03-04 to 1997-03-04rgb rgbd30.01
1RXH J052845.0-652655202489 n00.0232.1 ± 0.026979.2128641997-04-03 to 1997-04-03rgb rgbd30.13
1RXH J052844.6-652656202490 n00.0072.052 ± 0.023479.1136961997-05-04 to 1997-05-04rgb rgbd30.12
1RXH J052844.9-652655202491 n00.0061.672 ± 0.05243215991997-06-03 to 1997-06-03rgb rgbd30.03
1RXH J052844.8-652652202492 n00.0031.795 ± 0.03148.6118501997-09-16 to 1997-09-17rgb rgbd30.06
1RXH J052844.4-652653202493 n00.0092.324 ± 0.03661.8117761997-10-17 to 1997-10-17rgb rgbd30.17
1RXH J052844.7-652657202722 n00.0031.939 ± 0.03350.1117631997-12-16 to 1997-12-16rgb rgbd30.09
1RXH J052844.7-652655202723 n00.0052.312 ± 0.032857.9121291998-01-15 to 1998-01-15rgb rgbd30.17
1RXH J052844.9-652653202724 n00.01514.35 ± 0.0897131117641998-02-15 to 1998-02-15rgb rgbd30.96
1RXH J052845.1-652656202725 n00.0042.644 ± 0.033969.4122671998-03-18 to 1998-03-18rgb rgbd30.23
1RXH J052845.2-652656202726 n00.0021.323 ± 0.027244.1217691998-04-17 to 1998-04-17rgb rgbd29.93
1RXH J052846.7-652713202730 n00.0031.061 ± 0.023228219751998-09-15 to 1998-09-15rgb rgbd29.83
1RXH J052844.9-652656999992 a01.0011.473 ± 0.042430.918101995-05-18 to 1995-05-18rgb rgbd29.98

ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) All-Sky Survey:

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0) S1 Count Rate S2 Count RateSignificance S1Significance S2Significance
2RE J0528-65205 28 42.54-65 26 33.70.13 ± 00.14 ± 0.0149.55070.4

ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) Pointed Observations:

SourceRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateOAXSignificanceFilterObservation Date
105 28 45.90- 65 26 53.5141806 w00_s1a0.12057 ± 0.0306383.47.13S11991-12-11T06:00
105 28 41.38- 65 26 32.8141846 w00_s1a0.14095 ± 0.02774101.36.84S11992-03-18T00:00
105 28 42.16- 65 26 29.0141851 w00_s1a0.09487 ± 0.02387101.25.14S11992-03-23T18:00
205 28 43.61- 65 26 33.4170171 w00_s1a0.12161 ± 0.0063430.836.32S11991-10-28T12:00
105 28 41.28- 65 26 35.1180027 w00_s1a0.1601 ± 0.029080.411.39S11993-09-18T06:00
105 28 46.83- 65 26 44.3180165 w00_s1a0.21017 ± 0.03930.410.47S11996-11-26T00:00
205 28 47.13- 65 26 29.6200874 w00_s2b0.14771 ± 0.030090.510.09S21991-12-30T12:00
205 28 47.76- 65 26 54.9200874 w01_s2b0.16786 ± 0.039540.38.25S21992-05-16T06:00
105 28 47.22- 65 26 54.9200875 w00_s2b0.13101 ± 0.032330.27.25S21992-01-26T06:00
105 28 42.59- 65 26 59.3200875 w01_s2b0.1999 ± 0.0314330.313.42S21992-06-13T00:00
105 28 46.46- 65 27 16.1200877 w00_s2b0.18729 ± 0.03780.47.54S21992-03-23T00:00
205 28 41.10- 65 27 09.8201247 w00_s1a0.18388 ± 0.0587830.26.92S11992-06-28T12:00
105 28 45.10- 65 27 11.1201248 w00_s1a0.1056 ± 0.02741308.04S11992-07-29T06:00
105 28 38.25- 65 26 42.2201249 w00_s1a0.07944 ± 0.0225830.56.93S11992-08-28T00:00
105 28 43.63- 65 26 48.2201250 w00_s1a0.10615 ± 0.0175530.511.72S11992-09-27T18:00
105 28 44.57- 65 26 39.8201251 w00_s1a0.21716 ± 0.0448930.510.36S11992-10-28T00:00
105 28 48.13- 65 26 10.8201252 w00_s1a0.12027 ± 0.0298629.58.26S11992-11-28T00:00
205 28 49.17- 65 26 58.1201253 w00_s1a0.09059 ± 0.0269129.96.65S11992-12-27T12:00
105 28 46.74- 65 27 00.9201254 w00_s1a0.10869 ± 0.0266230.18.28S11993-01-27T06:00
305 28 42.54- 65 27 07.4201255 w00_s1a0.0959 ± 0.0298730.15.68S11993-02-25T18:00
205 28 47.25- 65 26 36.9201256 w00_s1a0.17843 ± 0.0353230.311.45S11993-03-28T18:00
105 28 42.97- 65 27 09.9201257 w00_s1a0.16804 ± 0.0328530.111.38S11993-04-27T06:00
105 28 45.09- 65 26 56.8201258 w00_s1a0.12032 ± 0.025330.38.44S11993-05-28T06:00
205 28 44.02- 65 26 54.8201588 w00_s1a0.15962 ± 0.0319909.99S11993-06-26T18:00
205 28 40.95- 65 27 08.6201589 w00_s1a0.05326 ± 0.0200430.25.6S11993-07-27T18:00
105 28 44.76- 65 26 35.1201590 w00_s1a0.12921 ± 0.0365930.57.26S11993-08-26T06:00
205 28 44.79- 65 26 50.5201591 w00_s1a0.1822 ± 0.0419830.310.48S11993-09-26T06:00
105 28 42.45- 65 27 13.0201592 w00_s1a0.14835 ± 0.02942309.97S11993-10-25T18:00
105 28 42.14- 65 27 06.2201692 w00_s1a0.13985 ± 0.029470.39.8S11994-07-10T06:00
205 28 42.24- 65 27 05.8201693 w00_s1a0.13164 ± 0.02790.39.46S11994-08-10T00:00
205 28 46.86- 65 27 08.4201694 w00_s1a0.18293 ± 0.029950.412.92S11994-04-06T00:00
205 28 37.23- 65 26 58.1201695 w00_s1a0.15181 ± 0.049090.76.18S11994-09-11T06:00
105 28 48.30- 65 26 24.9201958 w00_s1a0.15713 ± 0.05350.75.86S11994-10-15T06:00
305 28 49.07- 65 26 53.2201961 w00_s1a0.14727 ± 0.028070.511.24S11995-01-15T12:00
105 28 47.43- 65 27 20.3201963 w00_s1a0.19792 ± 0.046830.49.47S11995-03-15T12:00
105 28 46.30- 65 27 11.3201964 w00_s1a0.13151 ± 0.028080.28.82S11995-04-15T00:00
105 28 44.47- 65 26 41.4201966 w00_s1a0.17449 ± 0.033020.310.82S11995-06-15T00:00
105 28 35.92- 65 27 48.8201967 w00_s1a0.12338 ± 0.047261.25.5S11995-07-15T06:00
105 28 40.91- 65 26 37.1201968 w00_s1a0.16572 ± 0.036440.610.04S11995-08-15T06:00
205 28 45.62- 65 26 39.0201970 w00_s1a0.13283 ± 0.011850.421.65S11994-11-14T06:00
105 28 46.53- 65 26 50.9202252 w00_s1a0.0794 ± 0.02290.35.85S11995-10-10T00:00
105 28 39.69- 65 26 45.6202253 w00_s1a0.14925 ± 0.047690.66.58S11995-11-10T18:00
205 28 46.09- 65 26 31.9202254 w00_s1a0.16332 ± 0.036820.59.09S11995-12-10T00:00
105 28 49.31- 65 27 13.1202257 w00_s1a0.10903 ± 0.026320.58.47S11996-03-10T12:00
205 28 44.43- 65 27 02.0202259 w00_s1a0.14675 ± 0.0376707.66S11996-05-17T00:00
205 28 34.85- 65 27 07.4202260 w00_s1a0.13945 ± 0.059414.21S11996-06-16T12:00
105 28 40.17- 65 26 53.4202261 w00_s1a0.12807 ± 0.026450.59.95S11996-07-17T12:00
105 28 41.67- 65 27 09.0202262 w00_s1a0.11566 ± 0.027510.37.67S11996-08-16T06:00
305 28 44.52- 65 27 02.2202263 w00_s1a0.24905 ± 0.0958504.71S11996-09-15T12:00
105 28 44.49- 65 26 45.6202482 w00_s1a0.18327 ± 0.02920.312.7S11996-10-22T12:00
105 28 46.13- 65 26 54.7202484 w00_s1a0.18036 ± 0.052780.26.43S11996-12-22T06:00
105 28 44.95- 65 27 14.6202485 w00_s1a0.20797 ± 0.037460.211.15S11997-06-17T18:00
105 28 39.69- 65 26 40.4202486 w00_s1a0.16363 ± 0.056480.66.03S11997-07-18T00:00
105 28 48.54- 65 27 02.1202488 w00_s1a0.13574 ± 0.032890.48.6S11997-03-04T12:00
105 28 45.84- 65 27 31.9202489 w00_s1a0.16712 ± 0.03160.510.84S11997-04-04T00:00
105 28 44.36- 65 26 48.9202490 w00_s1a0.16475 ± 0.035770.28.94S11997-05-04T12:00
105 28 45.85- 65 26 42.1202491 w00_s1a0.15092 ± 0.046450.46.03S11997-06-03T18:00
105 28 41.79- 65 26 32.9202492 w00_s1a0.14565 ± 0.037630.67.67S11997-09-17T00:00
305 28 47.91- 65 27 13.6400078 w00_s2b0.09041 ± 0.02073104.75.27S21992-04-11T18:00
105 28 42.64- 65 27 12.2400246 w00_s1a0.131 ± 0.0107860.520.99S11992-07-09T06:00
205 28 44.99- 65 26 23.5400456 w00_s1a0.08474 ± 0.0092461.116.95S11994-06-19T12:00
105 28 43.08- 65 26 17.8400457 w01_s1a0.10588 ± 0.0095761.321.34S11994-06-22T12:00
105 28 46.84- 65 26 09.8400458 w00_s1a0.16177 ± 0.0305761.310.75S11994-06-26T12:00
105 28 44.87- 65 26 31.9400459 w00_s1a0.09458 ± 0.013336112.86S11994-06-28T00:00
105 28 46.25- 65 27 28.2400782 w00_s1a0.07276 ± 0.0205651.15.91S11995-11-13T12:00
105 28 49.58- 65 27 03.7400784 w00_s1a0.0726 ± 0.0123251.410.63S11995-11-25T00:00
105 28 51.37- 65 26 40.0400785 w00_s1a0.08483 ± 0.0135551.711.46S11995-11-30T12:00
105 28 44.27- 65 26 53.1400786 w00_s1a0.11255 ± 0.0228651.79.89S11995-12-06T12:00
105 28 39.81- 65 26 18.6400828 w00_s1a0.11961 ± 0.0169541.813.89S11995-10-10T00:00
205 28 46.37- 65 26 54.2400829 w00_s1a0.14275 ± 0.0204141.613.44S11995-11-09T06:00
105 28 46.93- 65 26 30.4400830 w00_s1a0.17059 ± 0.034174210.33S11995-12-09T12:00
105 28 49.10- 65 27 11.3400831 w00_s1a0.06892 ± 0.0136541.49.19S11996-01-11T18:00
205 28 46.72- 65 27 08.4400832 w00_s1a0.59321 ± 0.0378941.437.64S11996-02-07T12:00
105 28 45.06- 65 27 06.7400833 w00_s1a0.11077 ± 0.0133141.315.66S11996-03-08T12:00
505 28 43.67- 65 27 22.3400834 w00_s1a0.13785 ± 0.019824113.05S11996-04-17T00:00
205 28 42.01- 65 27 12.7400835 w00_s1a0.13425 ± 0.0134341.119.35S11996-05-16T06:00
105 28 41.79- 65 27 12.6400836 w00_s1a0.1029 ± 0.0126841.115.13S11996-06-15T12:00
105 28 40.56- 65 26 50.5400837 w00_s1a0.12264 ± 0.0139441.416.42S11996-07-17T00:00
105 28 40.37- 65 27 09.8400838 w00_s1a0.15945 ± 0.0144641.122.7S11996-08-14T12:00
205 28 40.08- 65 26 32.5400839 w00_s1a0.1129 ± 0.0196541.610.74S11996-09-13T18:00
305 28 44.61- 65 27 03.4500053 w00_s1a0.09978 ± 0.0164749.511.4S11992-04-09T18:00
105 28 44.15- 65 27 08.6500062 w00_s1a0.11737 ± 0.0191137.911.46S11992-04-08T18:00
205 28 43.62- 65 26 37.3500172 w00_s1a0.09432 ± 0.0105738.317.21S11992-09-16T00:00
105 28 46.34- 65 27 00.3500172 w01_s1a0.16534 ± 0.0145338.124.36S11993-02-20T00:00
105 28 47.02- 65 26 55.2500172 w02_s1a0.07628 ± 0.0130438.311.08S11994-01-05T06:00
105 28 47.96- 65 27 00.5500173 w01_s1a0.05592 ± 0.0188555.24.82S11993-02-19T00:00
105 28 34.92- 65 28 31.6500388 w00_s1a0.08227 ± 0.02043109.76.12S11995-04-08T06:00
105 28 50.86- 65 27 44.2500388 w01_s1a0.10659 ± 0.0164107.910.42S11995-05-07T12:00
305 28 45.35- 65 27 39.5600034 w00_s1a0.17338 ± 0.0363187.69.62S11991-02-12T18:00
205 28 44.11- 65 27 14.3600099 w00_s1a0.13018 ± 0.0247548.49.22S11992-04-08T12:00
105 28 43.55- 65 26 47.6600578 w00_s1a0.11201 ± 0.0093549.124.52S11993-10-08T00:00
105 28 51.95- 65 27 00.8600938 w00_s1a0.17156 ± 0.02948102.210.47S11997-02-03T06:00
105 28 40.94- 65 26 31.8600938 w01_s1a0.18441 ± 0.01509101.721.31S11997-06-19T06:00
1805 28 47.58- 65 26 38.4600974 w00_s1a0.11622 ± 0.006234.236.32S11997-12-05T00:00
105 28 51.06- 65 26 13.3900531 w00_s1a0.22501 ± 0.07547115.34.82S11993-11-29T06:00
105 28 45.69- 65 26 39.8900532 w00_s1a0.17969 ± 0.041251107.88S11993-11-04T00:00
105 28 56.89- 65 26 51.7900533 w00_s1a0.2538 ± 0.051117.18.98S11993-12-06T18:00
105 28 46.42- 65 27 03.6900534 w00_s1a0.10341 ± 0.0380996.64.71S11993-11-30T00:00
105 28 42.84- 65 26 08.4900536 w00_s1a0.1059 ± 0.0342588.45.68S11994-07-06T12:00
105 28 45.80- 65 25 56.7900538 w00_s1a0.09524 ± 0.0252281.17.6S11993-07-23T00:00
105 28 42.20- 65 26 07.2900539 w00_s1a0.07995 ± 0.0238794.96.02S11993-07-24T00:00
105 28 50.21- 65 26 25.3900540 w00_s1a0.05918 ± 0.0246875.64.11S11993-12-03T00:00
105 28 39.40- 65 26 28.8900544 w00_s1a0.09061 ± 0.0288277.95.35S11993-12-10T00:00
205 28 46.04- 65 27 04.2900545 w00_s1a0.17849 ± 0.0459991.57.62S11993-11-30T00:00
105 28 42.54- 65 26 05.1900546 w00_s1a0.23304 ± 0.0563784.58.65S11994-07-06T18:00
105 28 39.66- 65 26 07.6900548 w00_s1a0.09683 ± 0.03166935.14S11994-07-06T18:00
105 28 28.06- 65 25 57.0900549 w00_s1a0.09448 ± 0.02905105.75.57S11993-07-24T00:00
205 28 51.69- 65 27 13.6900550 w00_s1a0.19864 ± 0.05078101.37.4S11993-11-29T18:00
105 28 49.93- 65 27 47.7900551 w00_s1a0.12505 ± 0.04102111.85.33S11993-12-02T00:00
105 28 54.56- 65 26 51.9900552 w00_s1a0.22812 ± 0.0474995.59.52S11993-12-04T00:00
105 28 38.39- 65 26 51.8900553 w00_s1a0.10313 ± 0.0272885.96.34S11993-11-09T18:00

EUVE All-Sky Survey:

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)58-174 Å Count Rate156-234 Å Count Rate368-590 Å Count Rate519-742 Å Count Rate
EUVE J0528-65405 28 46-65 27.10.177 ± 0.0040.016 ± 0.003

Joint EUVE-ROSAT Detections:

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)58-174 Å Count Rate
EUVE J0528-65405 28 45-65 26 580.15

Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateExposure TimeSNROAXObservation DateImagesData
2E 0528.6-652905 28 46.0-65 26 502396 12900.45 ± 0.0541746.98.238.81979-04-10 to 1979-04-10gif FITSEvents

Einstein High Resolution Imager (HRI):

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateExposure TimeSNRObservation DateImagesData
05 28 45-65 26 564565 12.086 ± 0.023537034.2488.651979-11-04 to 1979-11-04gif FITSEvents

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 October 2008.   C. Liefke | Impressum