NEXXUS 2 - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     NS 0929+0539   GJ 349   LHS 2147   HIP 46580   HD 82106   BD+06 2182   LTT 12507

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ROSAT Survey Field Image Browser     SIMBAD entry

Star Information:

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)μ [ "/yr ]θ [ ° ]Radial VelocitySpectral TypeBVRcIcDistance [ pc ]
09 29 54.83 +05 39 18.480.516282.326.7K3V8.227.226.626.1312.65

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection NumberCount RateBackgroundExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1HR2log Lx
1RXS J092955.6+0539200.1843 ± 0.023110.00086385136-0.51 ± 0.11-0.4 ± 0.2428.33

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount Rate BackgroundLikeliOAXExposure TimeObservation TimeHR1HR2Imageslog Lx
2RXP J092955.0+053916200466 n00.0100.178 ± 0.007290.000972871135501992-05-12 to 1992-05-18-0.28 ± 0.04-0.09 ± 0.06rgb rgbd28.31

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter with filter (PSPCF):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount RateBackgroundLikeliOAXExposure TimeObservation DateHR1HR2Imageslog Lx
2RXF J092955.1+053915200466 n00.0040.03035 ± 0.003010.00023261136391992-05-18 to 1992-05-190.48 ± 0.09-0.25 ± 0.11rgb rgbd28.24

Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateExposure TimeSNROAXObservation DateImagesData
2E 0927.3+055309 29 55.2+05 39 275512 21480.027 ± 0.0042338.66.40.41980-05-08 to 1980-05-08gif FITSEvents

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 October 2008.   C. Liefke | Impressum