NEXXUS 2 - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     NS 1932+6939   GJ 764   LHS 477   HIP 96100   HD 185144   HR 7462   BD+69 1053   61 Dra   sig Dra   LTT 15713

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ROSAT Survey Field Image Browser     SIMBAD entry

Star Information:

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)μ [ "/yr ]θ [ ° ]Radial VelocitySpectral TypeBVDistance [ pc ]
19 32 21.54 +69 39 40.351.83916126.7K0V5.474.75.76

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection NumberCount RateBackgroundExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1HR2log Lx
1RXS J193220.4+6939580.2557 ± 0.014290.000791448694-0.8 ± 0.03-0.53 ± 0.1727.78

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount Rate BackgroundLikeliOAXExposure TimeObservation TimeHR1HR2Imageslog Lx
2RXP J193220.3+693945180170 n00.0080.3706 ± 0.01510.000883095116471997-02-24 to 1997-02-24-0.76 ± 0.03-0.47 ± 0.1rgb rgbd27.95
2RXP J193220.0+693951201125 n00.0090.1713 ± 0.008160.00072348126841992-11-03 to 1992-11-03-0.86 ± 0.02-0.56 ± 0.15rgb rgbd27.61

ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount RateSNROAXExposure TimeObservation DateImageslog Lx
1RXH J193221.6+693947202788 n00.0010.03614 ± 0.006334.919231998-04-05 to 1998-04-05rgb rgbd27.54

Joint EUVE-ROSAT Detections:

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)58-174 Å Count Rate
EUVE J1932+69619 32 21+69 39 540.01

Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateExposure TimeSNROAXObservation DateImagesData
2E 1932.6+693419 32 21.6+69 40 075631 42670.045 ± 0.00524148.41.81979-10-29 to 1979-10-29gif FITSEvents

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 October 2008.   C. Liefke | Impressum