NEXXUS 2 - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     NS 2005+5426   GJ 781   LHS 482   G 230-026   HIP 98906   V1513 Cyg

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ROSAT Survey Field Image Browser     SIMBAD entry

Star Information:

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)μ [ "/yr ]θ [ ° ]Radial VelocitySpectral TypeBVRcIcJKsHDistance [ pc ]
20 05 02.27 +54 26 03.221.472232.30sdM1.513.4911.9711.039.988.828.38.0916.4

XMM-Newton Slew Survey:

Detection NumberCount RateExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1Observation Datelog Lx
XMMSLJ200500.2+5425490.5688 ± 0.18319.64715.1012002-12-08T16:5528.76

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection NumberCount RateBackgroundExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1HR2log Lx
1RXS J200503.8+5426090.1075 ± 0.010870.000891209223-0.41 ± 0.08-0.09 ± 0.1628.32

EUVE Right Angle Program (RAP):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Exposure Time58-174 Å Count Rate156-234 Å Count Rate
2EUVE J2005+54 20 05 04.4 +54 25 53.8170000.006 ± 0.002<0.01

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 October 2008.   C. Liefke | Impressum