NEXXUS 2 - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     NS 2337+4611   G 171-007   HIP 116613   HD 222143   HR 8964   BD+45 4288   V454 And

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ROSAT Survey Field Image Browser     SIMBAD entry

Star Information:

RA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)μ [ "/yr ]θ [ ° ]Radial VelocitySpectral TypeBVDistance [ pc ]
23 37 58.45 +46 11 57.930.35891.8-0.6G4V7.246.5823.15

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection NumberCount RateBackgroundExposure TimeLikelihoodHR1HR2log Lx
1RXS J233757.7+4611560.2861 ± 0.030340.00075344239-0.36 ± 0.10.03 ± 0.1929.04

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC):

Detection NumberSequence IdCount Rate BackgroundLikeliOAXExposure TimeObservation TimeHR1HR2Imageslog Lx
2RXP J233758.6+461206200433 n00.0550.176 ± 0.002650.00121354516261461991-07-10 to 1991-07-11-0.31 ± 0.01-0.23 ± 0.03rgb rgbd28.83

EUVE sources detected in other ways:

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)58-174 Å Count Rate156-234 Å Count Rate67-178 Å Count Rate157-364 Å Count Rate
EUVE J2338+46223 38 00+46 12.40.016

EUVE Right Angle Program (RAP):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Exposure Time58-174 Å Count Rate156-234 Å Count Rate
4EUVE J2338+46 23 38 00.2 +46 12 10.1100000.015 ± 0

Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC):

Detection NumberRA (2000.0)DE (2000.0)Sequence IDCount RateExposure TimeSNROAXObservation DateImagesData
2E 2335.5+455623 37 54.3+46 12 073235 47420.059 ± 0.0117115.916.21980-01-08 to 1980-01-08gif FITSEvents

Last modified on Tuesday, 28 October 2008.   C. Liefke | Impressum