NEXXUS - The database for Nearby X-ray and extreme UV emitting Stars

Star Page     -     Gl 19   LHS 6      BET~Hyi

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ROSAT Survey Field Image Browser      Simbad Objects

Star Information:

RA (2000.0) DE (2000.0) Mu Theta Radial Velocity Spectral Type V B-V R-I MV Pi Distance
00 25 45 - 77 15.2 2.2436 81.7 23.2 G2 IV 2.79 0.61 0.33 3.42 133.78 ± 0.51 7.47

ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS):

Detection Number Count Rate Background Exposure Time Likeli HR1 HR2 log Lx
1RXS J002543.0-771532 0.06999 ± 0.0232 0.001331 195 15 -1 ± 0.25 0 ± 0 27.45

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC):

Detection Number Sequence Id Count Rate Background Likeli OAX Exposure Time Observation Time HR1 HR2 Images log Lx
2RXP J002538.6-771520 200071 a01.008 0.03804 ± 0.0041 0.001186 114 1 2668 921117 to 921129 -0.93 ± 0.04 -0.34 ± 0.96 rgb rgbd 27.18
2RXP J002540.2-771515 200071 n00.006 0.1033 ± 0.00799 0.001322 263 0 1743 910421 to 910511 -0.67 ± 0.06 -0.36 ± 0.17 rgb rgbd 27.62

ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter with filter (PSPCF):

Detection Number Sequence Id Count Rate Background Likeli OAX Exposure Time Observation Date HR1 HR2 Images log Lx
2RXF J002544.1-771526 200071 a01.003 0.01023 ± 0.00286 0.000181 21 0 1429 921117 to 921119 -0.9 ± 0.32 0 ± 0 rgb rgbd 27.31
2RXF J002542.5-771517 200071 n00.003 0.01085 ± 0.00268 0.000278 26 0 1667 910421 to 910508 -0.21 ± 0.23 -0.44 ± 0.6 rgb rgbd 27.34

ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI):

Detection Number Sequence Id Count Rate SNR OAX Exposure Time Observation Date Images log Lx
1RXH J002541.9-771517 202059 a01.001 0.04799 ± 0.00241 17.2 1 8490 960916 to 960917 rgb rgbd 27.89
1RXH J002541.2-771517 202059 n00.002 0.04893 ± 0.00254 18 1 7697 951119 to 951130 rgb rgbd 27.89
1RXH J002544.3-771514 202304 n00.003 0.04254 ± 0.00203 18.6 1 10682 970511 to 970527 rgb rgbd 27.83
1RXH J002544.6-771512 202559 n00.001 0.03714 ± 0.00163 21 1 14526 980329 to 980415 rgb rgbd 27.77

Last modified on Thursday, 23 October 2003.   C. Liefke | Impressum