Source Catalogue

Hamburger Sternwarte - Research

Cataclysmic variables

Cataclysmic variables show strong intensity variations and prominent emission lines during quiescent phases. They are therefore easily recognized on objective prism plates. Follow up studies were made in collaboration with different groups. In 1999 we started a systematic survey of the CV population in the HQS.
Template Spectra
CV, B=18.0
CV, B=16.0


Gänsicke, B.T.; Araujo-Betancor, S., Rodriguez-Gil, P., Hagen, H.-J.; Engels, D (2003):
The cataclysmic variable population of the Hamburg Quasar Survey (a status report)
published in Calar Alto Newsletter No.6 (July 2003)

Gänsicke, B.T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Engels, D (2002):
Properties of a spectroscopically selected CV sample

Individual Objects

Aungwerojwit A.; Gänsicke B.T.; Rodriguez-Gil P.; Hagen H.-J.; Araujo-Betancor S. ; Baernbantner O.; Engels D.; Fried R.E.; Harlaftis E.T.; Mislis D.; Nogami D. Schmeer P.; Schwarz R.; Staude A.; Torres M.A.P. (2006) :
Dwarf novae in the Hamburg quasar survey: rarer than expected

Aungwerojwit A.; Gänsicke B.T.; Rodriguez-Gil P.; Hagen H.-J.; Harlaftis E.T.; Papadimitriou C.; Lehto H.; Araujo-Betancor S.; Heber U.; Fried R.E.; Engels D.; Katajainen S. (2005):
HS0139+0559, HS0229+8016, HS0506+7725 and HS0642+5049: Four new long-period cataclysmic variables

Aungwerojwit, A.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Hagen, H.-J.; Harlaftis, E.; Papadimitriou, C.; Lehto, H.; Fried, B.; Heber, U.; Engels, D. (2005) :
Three new long-period CVs from the Hamburg Quasar Survey

Rodriguez-Gil P.; Gänsicke B.T.; Hagen H.-J.; Nogami D.; Torres M.A.P.; Lehto H.; Aungwerojwit A.; Littlefair S.; Araujo-Betancor S.; Engels D. (2005):
HS 0943+1404, a true intermediate polar

Rodriguez-Gil, P, Gänsicke, B. T., Hagen, H.-J.; Marsh, T.J.; Harlaftis, E.T.; Kitsionas, S; Engels, D. (2005):
Detection of the white dwarf and the secondary star in the new SU UMa dwarf nova HS 2219+1824

Araujo-Betancor, S.; Gaensicke, B. T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Marsh, T.; Harlaftis, E.; Thorstensen, J.; Fried, R. E.; Schmeer P.; Engels, D. (2005): HS2331+3905: The cataclysmic variable that has it all

Rodriguez-Gil, P; Gänsicke, B. T.; Barwig, H.; Hagen, H.-J.; Engels, D. (2004):
Time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy of the new deeply-eclipsing SW Sextantis star HS 0728+6738

Gänsicke, B.T.; Araujo-Betancor, S.; Hagen, H.-J.; Harlaftis, E. T.; Kitsionas, S.; Dreizler, S.; Engels, D. (2004):
HS 2237+8154: A new pre-CV just above the period gap?

Araujo-Betancor, S.; Gaensicke, B. T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Marsh, T.; Thorstensen, J.; Harlaftis, E.; Fried, R. E.; Engels, D. (2004): The mysterious nature of HS2331+3905

Gänsicke, B.T.; Araujo-Betancor, S.; Hagen, H.-J.; Harlaftis, E. T.; Kitsionas, S.; Dreizler, S.; Engels, D. (2004):
HS 2237+8154: On the onset of mass transfer or entering the period gap?

Araujo-Betancor, S.; Gänsicke, B.T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Engels, D. (2003):
1RXS J062518.2+733433: A new intermediate polar

Gänsicke, B.T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Kube, J.; Schwarz, R.; Staude, A.; Engels, D.; Nogami, D.; Kuduz, M. (2002)
HS 0455+8315: A new eclipsing novalike variable

Nogami, D.; Engels, D.; Gänsicke, B.T.; Pavlenko, E.P.; Novak, R.; Reinsch, K. (2000):
A newly discovered SU UMa-type dwarf nova, HS 1449+6415

Jiang, X.J.; Engels, D.; Wei, J.Y.; Tesch, F.; Hu, J.Y. (2000):
New cataclysmic variables from the RASS

Gänsicke, B.T.; Fried, R.E.; Hagen, H.-J.; Beuermann, K.; Engels, D.; Hessman, F.V.; Nogami, D.; Reinsch, K. (2000):
HS 0907+1902: a new 4.2 hr dwarf nova

Reimers, D.; Hagen, H.-J. (2000):
HS0922+1333: another low accretion rate polar with a pronounced cyclotron line spectrum

Reimers, D.; Hagen, H.-J.; Hopp, U. (1999):
HS 1023+3900 - a magnetic CV in the period gap with a distinct cyclotron emission line spectrum

Dobrzycka, D.; Dobrzycki, A.; Engels, D.; Hagen, H.-J. (1998):
HS 0551+7241: A Magnetic Catalysmic Variable in the Hamburg/CFA Bright Quasar Survey

Collaborators: B.T. Gänsicke (Warwick), H.-J. Hagen,  D. Engels,  D. Reimers 
For more information please contact: H.-J. Hagen

Monday, 02-Oct-2006 14:54:53 CEST | A. Mertz, D. Engels