The Hamburg Quasar Survey III. Further new bright quasars

Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement 134, 483

H.-J Hagen [1], D.Engels [1], D. Reimers [1]

  1. Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, D-21029 Hamburg, Germany


We present a further list of 274 bright QSOs, 106 (195) of which have B <= 17 (17.5), selected semiautomatically from objective prism plates taken with the Calar Alto 80cm Schmidt telescope. All QSOs have been confirmed by follow-up spectroscopy and we display their flux-calibrated spectra. We also discuss the completeness of our search technique and demonstrate that for 0.1 < z < 3.2 and B <= 17 we have been able to recover roughly 85% of known QSOs; 10% were lost due to overlaps while 5% were lost during the selection process. In particular the bright z >= 2 QSOs (17 with B <= 17) are potential targets for follow-up spectroscopy both at high-resolution from the ground and in the ultraviolet from space.

Key words: Surveys -- Quasars: general

Contact: Hans-Juergen Hagen.

Full paper including Tables and Figures (compressed PS-File, 475 Kb)
