The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications

Version 1.1, issued December 5, 1996
Version 2.0, issued January 5, 1998

N. Bade (1), D. Engels (1), W. Voges (2), V. Beckmann (1), Th. Boller (2) L. Cordis (1), M. Dahlem (1,3),
J. Englhauser (2), K. Molthagen (1), P. Nass (1,2), J. Studt (1), D. Reimers (1)

(1) Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, D-21029 Hamburg
(2) MPI für Extraterrestrische Physik, D-85740 Garching
(3) ESTEC, Astrophysics Division, Postbus 299 ,NL-2200 AG Noordwijk

Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement 127, 145 (1998).

Hamburger Sternwarte


We present the Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of Optical Identifications (HRC) derived by correlating the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue (1RXS) with our database of optical identifications of ROSAT All-Sky Survey sources. This database provides information on optical counterparts obtained from objective prism and direct Schmidt plates of the Hamburg Quasar Survey (Hagen et al., 1995, A&AS 111, 195).

In the current state the catalogue covers 4665 X-ray positions in the extragalactic northern sky (N=3847 in Version 1.1, as published in the A&AS-paper). For each X-ray position the optical counterparts are listed and a finding chart derived from the digitized direct plates is provided. If possible, the most likely optical counterpart is marked in the catalogue and on the finding chart.

Questions or comments may be directed to
In particular we would be grateful if any errors or inconsistencies found in the data would be reported to this e-mail address.

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