On the evolutionary behaviour of BL Lac objects
Astronomy & Astrophysics 334, 459 (1998)
N. Bade [1], A. V. Beckmann [1], N.G. Douglas [2], P. D. Barthel [2], D. Engels [1], L. Cordis [1], P. Nass [3], and W. Voges [3]
- Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112,
D-21029 Hamburg, Germany
- Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, P.O.Box 800,
9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
- MPI für Extraterrestrische Physik,
D-85740 Garching, Germany
We present a new well defined sample of BL Lac objects selected from the
ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS). The sample consists of 39 objects with 35 forming
a flux limited sample down to
fx (0.5 - 2.0 keV) =
8 10e-13 ergs cm-2 s-1,
are known for 33 objects (and 31 of the complete sample).
X-ray spectral properties were determined
for each object individually with the RASS data. The luminosity function of
RASS selected BL Lac objects is compatible with results provided by objects
selected with the Einstein observatory, but the RASS selected sample
contains objects with luminosities at least tenfold higher.
Our analysis confirms the negative evolution for X-ray selected BL Lac
objects found in a sample by the Einstein observatory, the
parameterization provides similar results.
A subdivision of
the sample into halves according to the X-ray to optical flux ratio
yielded unexpected results. The extremely X-ray dominated objects have higher
redshifts and X-ray luminosities and only this subgroup shows clear signs of
strong negative evolution. The evolutionary behaviour of objects with an
intermediate spectral energy distribution between X-ray and radio dominated
is compatible with no evolution at all.
Consequences for unified
schemes of X-ray and radio selected BL Lac objects are discussed.
suggest that the intermediate BL Lac objects are the basic BL Lac population.
The distinction between the two subgroups can be explained if extreme X-ray
dominated BL Lac objects are observed in a state of enhanced X-ray activity.
Key words:
galaxies: active - BL Lacertae objects: general - X-rays: galaxies
Contact: Dieter Engels.
Preprint (compressed PS-File,179 Kb)