BLR velocities in optically and X-ray selected AGN samples

In 'Observational and theoretical progress in the study of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies', Bad Honnef New Astronomy Reviews 44, 1002 (2000)

D. Engels, R. Keil

Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, D-21029 Hamburg, Germany


We have analyzed optical spectra of 473 X-ray and 235 optically selected AGNs to study their emission line properties. Presented here are results of the analysis of the H_beta linewidths. It is found that the linewidth distribution of quasars is shifted towards higher velocities (v_mean = 4300 km/s) compared to the distribution of Sy1s (v_mean = 3000 km/s). There are no Narrow Line Quasars, i.e. there are no AGNs with quasar luminosities and FWHM(H_beta) < 2000 km/s. NLSy1s comprise 20 - 30% of the AGN population at faint absolute magnitudes (M_B >-22), irrespective of the selection method. We find in the RASS sample Gamma [0.1-2.4 keV] < 3.3. The Gamma vs. FWHM(H_beta) distribution for Sy1 galaxies is consistent with previous work. For QSOs the spectral index is flattening with FWHM(H_beta) as well, but shifted to higher linewidths.

Key words: Galaxies: active - Galaxies: Seyfert - Quasars: emission lines - X-rays: galaxies

Contact: Dieter Engels.

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