Detection of the first X-ray selected large AGN group
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, MNRAS 313, 377 (2000)
F. Tesch [1], D.Engels [1]
- Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112,
D-21029 Hamburg, Germany
We have examined the spatial distribution of 856 AGN detected by the ROSAT
All-Sky Survey (RASS) using a direct search for structures
with the minimal spanning tree.
The AGNs were compiled from an area of ~ 7000 deg^2, in which optical
identifications of RASS sources were made with the help of the digitized
objective prism plates of the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS). Redshifts were
taken from the literature or from own follow-up observations. The sample
probes the spatial distribution at low redshifts, since the
redshift distribution peaks at z ~ 0.1.
The application of the minimal spanning tree led to a 1.8 sigma
discovery of an
AGN group with 7 members in a volume
V ~ 140*75*75 h-3Mpc^3 in the
Pisces constellation. With a mean redshift
z=0.27 this group is only the third discovered group at redshifts z<0.5.
The RASS offers excellent possibilities to study
large scale structure with AGNs at low redshifts, once these redshifts
are determined.
Key words:
surveys - galaxies:clusters:general - large scale structure of Universe
Contact: Frank Tesch.
Preprint (compressed PS-File,147 Kb)