ROSAC: Studying the clustering properties of X-ray selected AGNs

In Proceedings of the Conference "Large Scale Structure in the X-ray Universe" in Santorini Island, 20-22 September 1999, Eds. I. Georgantopoulos, M.Plionis, Atlantisciences, Paris, p. 407 (2000)

F. Tesch [1,2], F. J. Carrera [3,4], D.Engels [2], J. Hu [5], C. Ledoux [6], D. Valls-Gabaud [8], W. Voges [9], J, Wei [5]

  1. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  2. Hamburger Sternwarte
  3. Mullard Space Science Laboratory UCL
  4. Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, CSIC-UC
  5. Beijing Astronomical Observatory
  6. Observatoire de Strasbourg
  7. Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS
  8. Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse
  9. MPE Garching


We present the first ROSAC results of an AGN clustering analysis. This study comprises a sample of 200 AGNs, 75% of which being at low redshifts z<0.5, in the Ursa Major constellation. The spatial 2-point-correlation function (SCF) as well as the minimal spanning tree (MST) technique were applied. Some evidence for clustering is found in the SCF, although with low significance. Using the MST technique, we could find two AGN groups. This result is preliminary and the exact significance will be tested with careful simulations.

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Contact: Frank Tesch.

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