University of Hamburg

Course: ISM, Star- and Planet Formation (66-916)

Exam: Tuesday, January 27th, 14:15 - 15:45, HS AP

Lecture (66-916): Mondays, 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr + Tuesdays, 14:15 - 15:00, Jungiusstr 11 -- HS AP
Outline & Overview
ISM part I
ISM update (HI gas)
ISM update (molecular clouds, HII regions)
ISM update (The Hot ISM)
Radiation Transfer
Hydrodynamics I: Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions
Hydrodynamics (incl. SN blast wave)
ISM update (cosmic rays, dust, magnetic fields)
ISM update (cooling & heating processes)
ISM turbulence & MHD turbulence
BE-sphere, gravitational instability
Update: gravitational instability, free-fall time
protostars, PMS stars evolution, jets

Tutorials (66-917): Tuesdays, 14:15 - 15:45
Assistance: Bastian Körtgen and Samaneh Javanbakht
homework assignment return at
Assignment 1 21.10.2014
Assignment 2 03.11.2014
Assignment 3 17.11.2014
Assignment 4 01.12.2014
Assignment 5 15.12.2014
Assignment 6 05.01.2015
Assignment 7 19.01.2015

zum Seitenanfang
Responsible: Robi Banerjee, last modification Oct/07/2014 07:57 CEST Imprint