What's it about?
The people involved
User's Guide
Demonstration Page
What's it about?
The DEBRIS package is a software package that was developed
to analyse data for objects that do not move at the sidereal
rate, e.g. geostationary objects. It was designed to fit
into the IRAF environment as a seperate package.
When writing the software, we specifically had in mind that
we were going to analyse data collected by the
Automated Patrol Telescope,
since a primary goal of the project was to find out whether
we could use the APT to detect orbital debris in GEO of a size
less than 1m. But of course the package could be used to analyse
data from any old telescope as long as it is equipped with a
CCD and a wide field of view. If you want to know more about
how DEBRIS works, read the User's Guide.
For some examples of how DEBRIS works, see this
Demonstration Page or the
Tutorial. If you want to know still
more, contact me.
The people involved
Dr. Michael C. B. Ashley
Dr. Brad Carter
Dr. Peter Mitchell
Joe Liske
Astrophysics & Optics homepage.
Joe Liske