MGC papers on ADS (including papers not by the MGC team but using MGC data)
The ugrizYJHK luminosity distributions and densities from the combined
MGC, SDSS and UKIDSS LAS datasets,
D. Hill, S.P. Driver, E. Cameron, N.J.G. Cross, J. Liske,
A. Robotham, 2010, MNRAS, 404, 1215.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the M_bh–L_spheroid
derived supermassive black hole mass function,
M. Vika, S.P. Driver, A.W. Graham, J. Liske, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 1451.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Exploring the Color-Concentration
Bimodality via Bulge-Disc Decomposition,
E. Cameron, S.P. Driver, A.W. Graham, J. Liske, 2009, ApJ, 699, 105.
Galaxy evolution by color-log(n) type since redshift
unity in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field,
E. Cameron, S.P. Driver, 2009, A&A, 493, 489.
The Energy Output of the Universe from 0.1 μm to
1000 μm,
S.P. Driver, C.C. Popescu, R.J. Tuffs, A.W. Graham, J. Liske,
I.K. Baldry, 2008, ApJL, 678, L101.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: The Connection between Close Pairs
and Asymmetry; Implications for the Galaxy Merger Rate,
R. De Propris, C.J. Conselice, J. Liske, S.P. Driver, D.R. Patton,
A.W. Graham, P.D. Allen, 2007, ApJ, 666, 212.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the B-band attenuation of bulge and
disc light and the implied cosmic dust and stellar mass
S.P. Driver, C.C. Popescu, R.J. Tuffs, J. Liske, A.W. Graham,
P.D. Allen, R. De Propris, 2007, MNRAS, 379, 1022.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the local supermassive black hole
mass function in early and late-type galaxies,
A.W. Graham, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, 2007, MNRAS, 378, 198.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: The Luminosity Functions of Bulges
and Disks and Their Implied Stellar Mass Densities,
S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, ApJL,
657, L85.
The galaxy luminosity - size relation and selection biases in the
Hubble Ultra Deep Field,
E. Cameron, S.P. Driver, 2007, MNRAS, 377, 523.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: bulge-disc decomposition of 10 095
nearby galaxies,
P.D. Allen, S.P. Driver, A.W. Graham, E. Cameron, J. Liske,
R. De Propris, 2006, MNRAS, 371, 2.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: a census of local compact
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, N.J.G. Cross, R. De Propris,
2006, MNRAS, 369, 1547.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: morphological classification and
bimodality in the colour-concentration plane,
S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, A.W. Graham, E. Cameron, J. Liske,
S.C. Ellis, N.J.G. Cross, R. De Propris, S. Phillipps, W.J. Couch,
2006, MNRAS, 368, 414.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: on the natural subdivision of
S.C. Ellis, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, J. Bland-Hawthorn,
R. De Propris, 2005, MNRAS, 363, 1257.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Dynamically Close Pairs of Galaxies
and the Global Merger Rate,
R. De Propris, J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, N.J.G. Cross, 2005,
AJ, 130, 1516.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the space density and
surface-brightness distribution(s) of galaxies,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, N.J.G. Cross, R. De Propris, P.D. Allen, 2005,
MNRAS, 360, 81.
Contains a description of the spectroscopic data.
Beyond the Galaxy Luminosity Function,
S.P. Driver, 2004, PASA, 21, 344.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the photometric accuracy,
completeness and contamination of the 2dFGRS and SDSS-EDR/DR1
data sets,
N.J.G. Cross, S.P. Driver, J. Liske, D.J. Lemon, J.A. Peacock,
S. Cole, P. Norberg, W.J. Sutherland, 2004, MNRAS, 349, 576.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: star counts and the structure of the
Galactic stellar halo,
D.J. Lemon, R.F.G. Wyse, J. Liske, S.P. Driver, K. Horne, 2004,
MNRAS, 347, 1043.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: 16 < B_MGC < 24 galaxy number counts
and the calibration of the local galaxy luminosity function,
J. Liske, D.J. Lemon, S.P. Driver, N.J.G. Cross, W.J. Couch, 2003,
MNRAS, 344, 307.
Contains a detailed description of the imaging data and catalogues.
Conference proceedings and talks
The MGC and GAMA,
S.P. Driver, 2009, in "The Galaxy Disk in
Cosmological Context", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 254
(Copenhagen, 09-13 June 2008), 469, J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn,
B. Nordtström, eds.
SPD's talk.
Why we need survey-style disk-bulge decomposition,
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, 2007, at the 1st Subaru Internal
"Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution"
(Hayama, 11-16 December 2007).
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the severe attenuation of bulge flux
by dusty spiral discs,
S.P. Driver and the MGC Team, 2008, in "Formation
and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 245
(Oxford, 16-20 July 2007), 403, M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, B. Barbuy, eds.
SPD's talk.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Bimodality, Dust and Stellar
Mass Functions,
S.P. Driver, 2007, at "A New Zeal for Old
Galaxies" (Rotorua, 25-30 March 2007).
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Science highlights,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "From Stars to
Galaxies: Building up the Pieces to Build up the Universe" (Venice,
16-20 October 2006), ASP Conference Proceedings, 374, 481, A. Vallenari,
R. Tantalo, L. Portinari, A. Moretti, eds.
SPD's talk.
The luminosity-size relation of galaxies to z = 1?,
E. Cameron, S.P. Driver, 2007, in "At the Edge of the Universe:
Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys"
(Sintra, 9-13 October 2006), ASP Conference Proceedings, 380, 483,
J. Afonso, H.C. Ferguson, B. Mobasher, R. Norris, eds.
SPD's talk.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Galaxy Bimodality,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "Galaxy Evolution Across the
Hubble Time", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 235 (Prague, 14-17
August 2006), 17, F. Combes, J. Palous, eds.
SPD's talk.
The Local Supermassive Black Hole Mass Function from 10,000 Galaxies
and the Mbh-concentration Relation,
A.W. Graham, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, 2006, at the
208th AAS Meeting (Calgary, 4-8 June 2006), Bulletin of the American
Astronomical Society, 38, 95.
Did bulges form first and discs later?,
S.P. Driver, 2006, at the RAS National
Astronomy Meeting (Leicester, 3-7 April 2006).
Measuring Structural Properties of Galaxies in the Local
P.D. Allen, S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "Island Universes - Structure
and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" (Terschelling, 3-8 July 2005),
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 23, R.S. de Jong, ed.
PDA's talk.
The Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxy Disks,
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, 2007, in "Island Universes - Structure
and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" (Terschelling, 3-8 July 2005),
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 531, R.S. de Jong, ed.
JL's poster.
Structural Properties of the Local Galaxy Population,
P.D. Allen, 2005, at "The Formation of
Disk Galaxies" (Ascona, 27 June - 1 July
Structural Properties of the Local Galaxy Population,
P.D. Allen, 2006, in "The Fabulous Destiny of
Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Proceedings of the Vth
Marseille International Cosmology Conference (Marseille, 20-24 June
2005), 59, V. Le Brun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella, eds.
PDA's talk.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the nearby supermassive black hole
mass function,
S.P. Driver, A.W. Graham, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, 2006, in "The Fabulous Destiny of
Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Proceedings of the Vth
Marseille International Cosmology Conference (Marseille, 20-24 June
2005), 409, V. Le Brun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella, eds.
SPD's talk
(delivered by JL).
The Bivariate Brightness Distributions of Bulges and Disks,
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, 2006, in "The Fabulous Destiny of
Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Proceedings of the Vth
Marseille International Cosmology Conference (Marseille, 20-24 June
2005), 81, V. Le Brun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella, eds.
JL's talk.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: The Space Density and Surface
Brightness Distribution of Galaxies by Type and Component,
S.P. Driver, 2004, at the 204th AAS Meeting (Denver, 30 May - 3 June 2004),
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36, 781.
SPD's talk.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue,
J. Liske, 2002, at the Robert Cormack Bequest
Meeting (Edinburgh, 29 April 2002).
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue,
D.J. Lemon, J. Liske, S.P. Driver, N.J.G. Cross, 2002, in "New Era
in Cosmology" (Durham, 11-15 September 2001), ASP Conference
Proceedings, 283, 117, N. Metcalfe, T. Shanks, eds.
Other talks
- JL's talk at
the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (May 2008)
- SPD's talk at
the Universities of Sydney and Swinburne (March 2008)
- SPD's talk at
ROE/LJMU/Nottingham (December 2006 - January 2007)
- SPD's talk at
RSAA (November 2005)
- SPD's talk
at the AAO (September 2004)
- SPD's talk at
RSAA (June 2002)
Other publications
A new understanding of the visible Universe,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, 2007, PPARC Frontiers, 26, ?.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, AAO Newsletter, 111, 5.
All of the above were widely reported in the international
press. Try googling
for some keywords from the titles in combination with team members'
Joe Liske