

16. Januar 2024

Reduction of the NoCal Data

Between 6 Dec. 2017 and 6 Jan. 2018, no flat field and ThAr images taken. For the order definition more standard stars were observed. For the reduction, flat field and ThAr images from 2017 used from the archive. To find an usable flat fields the following selection was performed:
  1. The order definition estimated from the observed standard stars.
  2. The order position obtained from the standard stars was compared with the order position estimated from the master flat fields from 2017.
  3. For reduction, the flat fields were selected with the smallest differences in the order position between the order position obtained from the standard star and a master flat field.
  4. The selected flat fields and ThAr images taken in the same night copied to the corresponding path where the RAW data are located.
This procedure was performed for the blue and red spectral channel.
The reduction was performed with the procedure "", where the order definition is performed with the observed standard stars.