

16. Januar 2024

TIGRE observation log of RV standard stars

Here, information about the TIGRE radial velocity (RV) precision and accuracy are given. The mean precision and accuracy of the TIGRE RV are computed from different RV standard stars, see table below. The RV values are determined by the automatic RV estimation routine (Mittag et al. 2018) and the TIGRE RV precision and accuracy obtained are:

Mean RV precision [km/s]: 0.1
Error of the precision [km/s]: 0.02
Accuracy of the absolute RV [km/s]: 0.05
Mean Δ RV [km/s]: -0.04

The next figure shows the difference between the mean TIGRE RV values and the reference RV versus the reference RV. The errorbars shows the standard deviation of the corresponding TIGRE RV.

In the next table, the used RV standard stars are listed with the reference RV, the mean TIGRE RV, the standard deviation of the TIGRE RV and the No. of used TIGRE RV measurements. For the calculation of the mean TIGRE RV and the corresponding standard deviation, those values that differ by more than 2 km/s from a mean TIGRE RV including all RV data are rejected. Furthermore, the RV data between 7th Dec. 2017 and 6th Jan. 2018 (shown as red dots in the plots of the single stars) are ignored because in this time range the calibration lamps (Flat field and ThAr lamps) were not available.

Object Ref RV Ref Mean TIGRE RV Standard deviation of TIGRE RV No. of used TIGRE RV
HD3651 -32.94 A -33.0 0.12 45
HD10476 -33.65 A -33.7 0.11 73
HD10700 -16.63 A -16.72 0.08 125
HD10780 2.7 B 2.65 0.12 306
HD20619 22.66 A 22.59 0.09 297
HD32147 21.54 A 21.36 0.17 54
HD32923 20.5 B 20.55 0.09 553
HD34411 66.5 A 66.43 0.1 264
HD38858 31.51 A 31.42 0.09 276
HD42618 -53.5 A -53.54 0.06 45
HD50692 -15.05 B -15.1 0.09 245
HD82885 14.4 B 14.33 0.12 373
HD84737 4.88 A 4.89 0.12 355
HD89269 -7.56 A -7.61 0.08 62
HD100180 -4.86 A -4.88 0.13 145
HD109358 6.25 B 6.22 0.1 290
HD140538 19.0 B 18.93 0.13 611
HD141004 -66.39 A -66.39 0.08 353
HD146233 11.76 A 11.71 0.11 390
HD157214 -78.56 A -78.58 0.11 122
HD159222 -51.56 A -51.62 0.09 127
HD166620 -19.47 A -19.51 0.11 71
HD182572 -100.29 A -100.21 0.11 234
HD188512 -40.07 A -40.03 0.1 82
HD197076 -35.4 A -35.38 0.09 444
A: Chubak et al. (2012)
B: Udry et al. (1999)