

16. Januar 2024

6th TIGRE workshop

14-15 June 2018 in Liège

Name Title PDF
J.N. González Pérez (UH) Current status of TIGRE: Technical and observational review of
the last years
M. Mittag (UH) Status of the Data reduction pipeline of TIGRE [pdf]
V. Perdelwitz (UH) The new TIGRE adapter [pdf]
J.N. González Pérez (UH) GATITO a small photometric telescope for TIGRE [pdf]
G. Rauw (UL) Status of the N∃SIE near-IR spectrograph [pdf]
U. Wolter (UH) Stars old, very old, and a young one: from subgaints to
X-ray binaries in the = Eye of the TIGER =
K.-P. Schröder (UG) Monitoring solar chromospheric emission with TIGRE:
are we entering a Dalton Minimum?
Y. Nazé (UL) Cyg OB2 #5 and 12, X-ray and optical monitoring [pdf]
J. Robrade (UH) Coronae and chromospheres - eROSITA & TIGRE
-The eROTIG program-
L. Mahy (UL) Properties of the massive binary population [pdf]
S. Czesla (UH) Long-term spectral monotoring of AR Lac with TIGRE [pdf]
I. A. Aguilar Segoviano (UG) Spectrophotometry of the DQ Her type Nova V5668 Sgr (2015) [pdf]
L. M. Flor Torres (UG) TIGRE in pursue of a relation velocity of stars and the physical
properties of their expplanets
D. Hutsemékers (UL) Long-Term Monitoring of Luminous Blue Variables and
Hypergiant Stars. Current Status
J. Schmitt (UH) Rossiter-McLaughlin-Effect in α CrB [pdf]
E. Mossoux (UL) The long-period massive binary HD 54662 revisited [pdf]
S. Kohl (UH) HD 189733 b: Bow shock or no shock? [pdf]
P. Eenens (UG) Can we improve spectral disentangling methods? [pdf]
G. Rauw (UL) TIGRE and the γ Cas phenomenon [pdf]